Headache Relief

Crystal, MN

Headache Relief Crystal, MN

Headache Relief in Crystal, MN. How do you usually deal with crushing headaches and migraines? Immediately go to the bathroom shelf for a fever reducer? Try to take a nap? Try to power through and proceed as normal, knowing it's going to be hard for you to focus or do anything? Increasingly more Crystal residents are finding chiropractic care to be their preferred method of treatment for headache relief. If headaches are making it difficult for you to live the life you want to, speak to a professional chiropractor today at (763) 568-7869 or contact us online.

Headaches We Offer Relief For in Crystal, MN

There are more than 150 different types of headaches. Those 150 are divided into two larger categories: primary headaches, which are not related to an underlying health concern but are the focus of treatment, and secondary headaches, which are caused by health issues like a tumor, a brain injury, high blood pressure, or the flu. Crystal, MN chiropractors normally help find headache relief for primary headaches. There are four common types of those headaches:

Migraine Headaches

Most of the time migraines affect only part of the head. Migraines affect approximately 12% of the population, one-fourth of whom experience a migraine with aura, which are severe headaches accompanied by sensory interferences, including:

  • Blind spots
  • Seeing Shimmering spots or stars
  • Partial loss of vision
  • Tingling
  • Muscle weakness
  • Difficulty finding words

Migraine symptoms include nausea, extreme sensitivity to light/sound, and pain in the face or neck. Pain can be mild to unbearable, and a migraine can last between 2 and almost three days. People with frequent migraines know how crushing they can be.

Migraine headaches are a frequent cause of vertigo, which is not only painful but increases chance of injury because it leads to imbalance.

Tension Headaches

These are the most common type of headaches and muscle tension in the neck is a a telltale sign. Also called "hatband" headaches because it feels like a tight band is going around your head, most people will experience a tension headache in their lifetime. They typically begin with a high-pressure in the neck, face, and muscles that devolves into a dull pain, and can last from 30 minutes, to hours, or even two or three days. Beyond pressure, other symptoms include tenderness around your upper body from the shoulders up, pressure behind the eyes, and difficulty falling asleep. Tension headaches are just as difficult to deal with as migraines, and a migraine will often turn into a tension headache, as well as the other way around.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are acute headaches and often come in 30 minute to two-hour "clusters" for around one full day. Some people experience as many as eight attacks per day. Common symptoms are:

  • Intense piercing sensation behind one eye
  • Epiphora
  • A droopy eyelid
  • A congested nose
  • Sensitivity to light/sound
  • Agitation

Hemicrania Continua

Hemicrania continua is a type of headache disorder that causes continual pain that varies in severity but always occurs on one half of the face. You can experience mild pain with episodes of severe pain. Symptoms are similar to those of migraines, but also commonly include a blocked nose, ptosis, red eyes or crying, and eye pain.

Secondary headaches are caused by specific events, such as an exercise headache after physical activity, or a caffeine headache from caffeine withdrawal. Other times headaches manifest themselves as symptoms of sinus or allergy issues. While chiropractic care is usually sought for primary headache relief in Crystal, MN, seeing a chiropractor can contribute to your overall health that can help dissuade secondary headaches as well.

Headache Relief Crystal, MN | Migraine and Headache Treatment | Chiropractor Near Crystal

Why Do Headaches Happen? | Crystal, MN Headache Relief

Approximately 60% of people with migraines inherited the condition from a parent. Lifestyle factors like excessive physical exercise, no getting enough sleep either one night or consistently, how you sit, stand, and move, and a poor diet can cause headaches to occur more often and be more severe. Outside factors like specific lights, commotion, odors, emotional or mental tension, a whiplash injury from an auto crash, and even sudden changes in the weather can also be common culprits.

In today's world, most Crystal, MN residents have a more sedentary lifestyle than previous generations. Many of us spend much of our day sitting down, pointing our necks down to look at a phone, laying down to watch TV, or otherwise fixed in one position. We're bombarded with screens and other sensory overloads that can act as stressors that cause headaches.

But what is happening in the body to that makes these factors cause headaches? Unhealthy lifestyle habits, and outside stressors cause increased tension in the joints and soft tissue from your upper back, to your neck, and through your face, and can result in the bones and joints of our spine being out of place. This creates havoc for the the C1 and C2 vertebrae, the the two joints the base of the skull. That misalignment leads to cervicogenic headaches that affect the nerves that run through the base of your head, your temples, and behind your eyes, making headache relief necessary.

How a Crystal, MN Attorney Can Provide Headache Relief

As headaches are principally a disorder of the nervous system, chiropractic care provides effective headache relief by helping your nervous system function more smoothly. Pills are the first thing many people in Crystal, MN try for headache relief, but in actuality using too much medication to treat headaches can cause medication overuse headaches.

Increasingly more people are instead why chiropractic care is a great option for headache relief. One study reported that headache disorders are the third most common reason people seekout a chiropractor. Our Crystal, MN chiropractic clinic can offer meaningful headache relief with the following treatment modalities:

  • Your first visit At your first appointment, we'll carefully examine the very top of your neck and perform an X-ray to rule out other possible causes of your headaches and make sure chiropractic care is safe for you.
  • Chiropractic adjustment A spinal manipulation is the main practice of any chiropractor in Crystal, MN. If there are no complications causing chiropractic care to be unsafe for you, our professional chiropractor will manipulate your joints with their hands and small instruments in order to correct your alignment, improve your body's physical function, and do away with disruption in your nervous system caused by spinal misalignment.
  • Message Therapy A message of the upper portion of your body will further alleviate the tension at the root of your headaches and smooth out any scar tissue. Massage therapy also helps in headache relief by releasing dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin to reduce stress.
  • Patient Education — Chiropractors know how to find the causes of headaches, in both your spinal cord and in your daily life. We'll offer you lifestyle tips to use in between your chiropractic adjustments, such as eating healthier, proper posture, safe exercise you can do to increase mobility and strengthen certain muscles, and educate you on ergonomics.

There's a reason we call ourselves Total Spine Health & Injury Center. There are many things we can do to get you feeling back to how you should and improve your overall health.

Other conditions we treat in Crystal, MN include:

Headache Relief Crystal, MN | Migraine and Headache Treatment | Chiropractor Near Crystal

Crystal, MN Headache Relief | Total Spine Health & Injury Center

Sometimes, we don't have a good grasp on how how debilitating headaches actually are until receiving the benefit of chiropractic treatment in Crystal, MN. We offer holistic headache relief so that headaches do not have to be a part of your daily or weekly life. If you're seeking meaningful headache relief in Crystal, MN, or believe a chiropractor may be able to help you in other ways, give us a call today at (763) 568-7869 or schedule an appointment online.